Tuesday, 27 October 2009


Orals on 27th oct 2009 at 1300 hrs , Capt. Maung in front of me and took me inside in his room.
Just checked my CDC and said u had done all SPAR ships and all are bulk carriers.
He just started with Magnetic compass,
- Tell me laid up ship long time, what all u will check ??
- What maintenance and cares on magnetic compass ??
- how to check flinders bars ??
Passage planning during restricted visibility, as a master ur concerns ?
Passage planing, factor masters concerns during traffic seperation scheme.
Regulation of Autopilot?
Bulk carrier structure / collision bulkhead requirement?
Bulk carrier fully loaded with high density cargo how she behave in seaway? he wants its behaviour with sea from all side....
How to open Crew agreement ?
What all entries in Offical Log Book ?
From OLB he took me to the Freeeboard / loadline, what is freeboard, how to assign freeboard, what is reserve buoyancy. ????
Winds on your bow - chief engineer he wants to stop engines, whats ur action ?
Navigating in High latitude as a master ur major concerns ??
Berthing between two ships tide astern with off shore winds.
U are at anchor with no engines, current from ahead, other vessel dragging anchor, whats ur action??
- East Cardinal mark, identify, light, right ahead heading 195 - action ?
- Stb hand bouy Preffered cannel to port = identify, light and coming out of port - action ?

- Normal PDV on your port bow - action
- If same vessel shows Cylinder - action ( i said not to impede her safe passage, slow down)
said any other action.

Restricted visibility
- One blip on 2 point fwd of beam, distnace 1.5 miles , action ???
- one target on port bow - what action??

Friday, 9 October 2009


On 8th Oct 2009, Master mariner oral preparation course completed, Got my NOE today and booked my orals on 26th Oct 2009.
Preparation in progress, hope for the best. lets see.